Tradition and contemporary house food preparation formulas sweets for several more than 100 years, they are approved from creation to creation. Amazing household enjoyment will add unique relaxation of the vacation or a helpful desk. Magnificently designed house Low cost candy can existing as a present for any vacation or celebration. Candies showed up very lengthy ago. In each nation, since previous times people are willing to something like a candy. During excavations in The red sea specialist discovered images and information containing information about the technological innovation of food preparation candy.

 The primary elements of the Cotton sweets were the times.Until the last millennium, house created sweets created comprehensive use of walnut glucose (and sometimes birch), molasses and baby. Try to get ready general candy at house. It is very tasty! It is especially awesome if the food preparation of sweets engaged the whole household. These sweets will cause worldwide delight! Just try not to keep them for a long time - clean candy much fantastic.The most historical and fast formula is a Sweetie sweets with clean fruit. Dry plums and nut items take in equivalent areas and floor in a machine. 

Carefully rub the baby, including a little brandy, lepim candy and throw in chocolate. Candies ready! (This formula is still used in historical Portugal, only chocolate Greeks were not, and they throw in mashed nut items or biscuits.)Tradition and contemporary house food preparation formulas sweets for several more than 100 years, they are approved from creation to creation. Amazing household enjoyment will add unique relaxation of the vacation or a helpful desk.Beautifully designed house Low cost candy can existing as a present for any vacation or celebration. Candies showed up very lengthy ago. In each nation, since previous times people are willing to something like a candy. During excavations in The red sea specialist discovered images and information containing information about the technological innovation of food preparation candy. The primary elements of the Cotton sweets were the times.Until the last millennium, house created sweets created comprehensive use of walnut glucose (and sometimes birch), molasses and baby. 

Try to get ready general candy at house. It is very tasty! It is especially awesome if the food preparation of sweets engaged the whole household. These sweets will cause worldwide delight! Just try not to keep them for a long time - clean candy much fantastic.The most historical and fast formula is a Sweetie sweets with clean fruit. Dry plums and nut items take in equivalent areas and floor in a machine. Carefully rub the baby, including a little brandy, lepim candy and throw in chocolate. Candies ready! (This formula is still used in historical Portugal, only chocolate Greeks were not, and they throw in mashed nut items or biscuits.)

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    July 2012

